Nursing Care


If you live in a nursing home and/or have been assessed as having nursing needs, you may be able to get help with the cost of your nursing care.

The Trust will pay up to £100 per week towards the cost of the nursing element, depending on how much you are contributing to the cost of your nursing home fees.

  • If you are assessed as needing nursing care and are paying the full cost of your fees, the Trust should contribute £100 per week towards the cost of your nursing home
  • If the Trust is already contributing towards your nursing home fees at a rate less than £100 per week, its contribution will be increased to £100
  • If the Trust is already contributing more than £100 per week to your nursing home fees, they will not pay anymore towards this, so you will continue to pay the same fees. The Trust will pay their contribution directly to the nursing home and they should backdate it to when you first requested a nursing care needs assessment.

Nursing Care Reviews

Your nursing care needs will be reviewed after 3 months and then on a yearly basis following this. If you disagree with the decision made following your nursing assessment, you can ask for your case to be reconsidered or make a complaint to the Trust.

Fully-Funded Health and Social Care

If you are primarily in care of health reasons you will have the full cost of your care paid for by the Trust.

This is known as 'continuing health care' or ‘fully-funded care’. You have to meet certain eligibility criteria to be entitled to fully-funded care and it is often very difficult to qualify. If you are told that you are not entitled to fully-funded care and are unhappy about this decision, you can make a complaint. However, it is advisable to seek advice before doing so.