Making complaints can be difficult.
The complaints process for many companies and organisations can be complicated and a lot of people give up or don't even try at all. This is why Resolver was created.
Back to topWhat is Resolver?
Resolver is a free complaint tool that allows you to make a complaint to a wide range of companies, banks, utility providers, public bodies and more. It was created in association with Martin Lewis at Money Saving Expert.
Resolver allows you to identify your issue, helps you to draft a complaint letter, sends it to the organisation and you can also monitor the progress of your complaint through Resolver as well.
If you are still unhappy with the response you can escalate your complaint to an ombudsman or complaints body through Resolver.
One of the main benefits of using Resolver is that it informs you of your rights based on the issue you have chosen. This allows you to create better and more effective letters of complaint using the 70,000 different templates that Resolver has on their system. These templates have been checked by Resolver's legal team.
Back to topHow Do You Use Resolver?
Resolver is very easy to use and you can make a complaint through your desktop, laptop, tablet or even your smartphone.
You simply search for the organisation you want to make a complaint to, choose your issue and then fill out a simple form which will then draft a letter which you can review and then send to the company. You also have the chance to upload any documents or evidence to support your complaint if you want.
The organisation will respond through Resolver and you can escalate your complaint through the Resolver system.
Back to topIs Resolver Free?
Yes, Resolver is completely free.
You do need to create an account to use Resolver and this only takes a few minutes to set up.
Resolver doesn't charge to use their service and they don't take any commission or percentage of money that you may receive as a result of your complaint.
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