A care package will be arranged explaining what services will be provided, when they will be provided and how these will be provided.
You will be given the name of a worker to contact if you have any problems with the services as well as information on how to ask for a service review if circumstances change.
Once a comprehensive individual assessment has been completed and a decision has been taken that publicly funded care can and should be arranged, it is the responsibility of the Trust to design appropriate care arrangements in consultation with you, your informal carers and all the care professionals involved.
The guidance emphasises that care arrangements should begin with your needs and wishes in consultation with your carers. The board or Trust staff should, as far as possible, aim to provide or arrange the provision of services which will meet those particular needs and wishes.
You should be given a copy of your care plan in writing if you request it as well as a copy of your assessment.
Management and monitoring of your care package
It is recognized that your care needs may change over time and must be monitored.
It is therefore recommended that a single professional worker should be assigned as a personal contact for you.
The principal contact for you is the care manager who takes responsibility for designing and assembling a package of services tailored to your needs and for ensuring that the services are effectively coordinated, delivered and monitored.
Provision of services
Services can be provided in several ways to meet your needs.
This can include services provided directly by the Trust, by voluntary organisations or private agencies arranged by the Trust. You may even arrange them yourself through Direct Payments which allow you to manage your own care.
Your care package may include service provision from a number of organisations, such as social services and voluntary groups. However, it is the responsibility of the care manager to ensure that these services are right for you and that your needs continue to be met.
If you have a problem with the services provided to you, you should contact your care manager straight away.