Community Care Complaints


You have a number of remedies available if you are dissatisfied with the level of service that you receive from a Trust.

The particular circumstances of the case will dictate which remedy is the most appropriate and in certain cases more than one remedy may be pursued. Many concerns or complaints can be resolved informally by speaking to a care worker or manager of a care home. In some cases, however, it may be necessary to make a formal complaint.

In these instances the most commonly used remedies are:

Further information on how to make a complaint in our Health section.

Help with making a complaint

If you do make a formal complaint, it is advisable to get advice and support from an independent advocacy service when pursuing a formal complaint. You can contact Age NI for help.

Older People's Commissioner

After an inspiring campaign waged by older people in Northern Ireland and the Age Sector Platform, a Commissioner for Older People in Northern Ireland was established in 2011. Eddie Lynch was appointed Commissioner for Older People in 2016. Part of that role includes "investigating complaints and matters of concern to older people".

The Commissioner investigates cases after a complaint procedure is exhausted. For further information visit the Commissioner's website or telephone 028 9089 0892.


It is also helpful to make a note of any telephone calls or conversations including:

  • Who was involved
  • The date and the time
  • A brief outline of what was said

Also, think about what outcome you would like to your complaint. For example, would you like an apology or an explanation?